
Home is where the heart is.

If you want a homestead with a self-sufficient backyard the product in the video above might interest, you.

I personally am looking to buy real estate.

I want land where I can either farm, hunt on, build, mine, sell for a profit or lease out.

For the good LORD made mankind to subdue the earth and have dominion over animals as it says in Genesis.

I want to fulfil my purpose.

Pray for me y'all and if can buy something, but if you can't at least pray for me.

Hashem knows that I have been praying, but I need others to pray with me to help get some pull with God.

I say that because the first thing that is recorded to have been said by God in the Holy Bible which is bad is that it is not good for man to be alone.

So please join me in asking God for a greater good.


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