
My journey to make money online came to fruition when I made a video on sleeping aids that I posted on YouTube.

It was such a good feeling to have happen what I talked about in the video above, actually happen.

I have since been using my limited skills as a creator to affiliate market products on both Blogger and YouTube.

It's a good thing because it forces me to be productive on at least one skillset a day.

Whether it be creative writing or videography, practicing these skills gives me a sense of accomplishment that I wasn't receiving before I got proof of concept.

Speaking about proof of concept, I documented my first sale on YouTube.

You can watch that video at the bottom of this blog post.

I thank God that he has allowed me to communicate the ideas in my head to the outside world.

There was a time in my life when I had neither an income from my endeavors or a sense of being capable to accept the love that only Hashem can provide.

If you get nothing else from reading this blog post learn this:

Accept the LORD into your life.

For as the first step of Alcoholics Anonymous says: "You must first recognize your higher power to turn your life around."

I can personally say that when I stopped fighting with God, that is when things started to change in my life for the better.

Truly His mercies are new each day. 


  1. I think your blogs are amazing

    1. Thank you your commenting brightens my day. God bless and Godspeed.


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