
I’m caffeinated, and that’s a good thing.

It helps me think and move. 

Considering I need to lose weight and create more content, I thank God for the cups of coffee I drank today.

Praise the LORD, for the good he bestows upon me.

I will do everything in my power to not incur evil from Hashem by sinning.

Although we have all fallen short of the glory of God and have sinned.

God’s mercies are new each day. For does he not make the sun shine for the wicked and righteous alike.

Praise be to the God who as it says per the words of Genesis 1:1 

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

He is a God of wisdom, who imparts it to those who ask it of him. And is it not by His wisdom by which he rules. 

For who is wise enough to make gravity have the right amount of strength so that the universe doesn’t collapse into a ball or spread apart so as to which atoms couldn’t interact.

Yes this is the God I serve. YHWH is His name, His eyes are everywhere. 

Watching the deeds of good and evil alike.
